Welcome to our Love Story
Thank you for taking the time to get to know us a little better! We are happy to share our story with you.
First, a little fun!
We thought we would answer a few questions about each other. Enjoy!
Caitlyn’s Answers
about Cameron
He’s won the lottery, what is he buying? DeWalt tools, and more DeWalt tools— to build us our dream home of course! (I’m serious, he has already drawn the floor plan!)
What is his favourite colour? Blue
What is the first thing he does in the morning? He tries to cuddle me. 90% of the time he’s successful.
If he could have a superpower, what would it be? “The Force”…although he thinks he already has this power, lol! He opens all automatic doors for me with “The Force”.
Who takes up the most space in bed? Totally me.
What is his favourite animal? Eagle
Describe him in 3 words: Kind. Grounded. Fit!
Cameron’s Answers
about Caitlyn
She’s won the lottery, what is she buying? A home with an art studio or land for me to build our home.
What is her favourite colour? Blue
What is the first thing she does in the morning? Coffee and texting people.
If she could have a superpower, what would it be? Never have to eat, or drink, or sleep if she wished so she could never stop painting for any reason.
Who takes up the most space in bed? She does.
What is her favourite animal? Elephant
Describe her in 3 words: Sexy. Caring. Motivated.
Long Before Us.
Cameron and I had met initially in yoga class (that his mother teaches) at our local gym. When we met, I was married and he was also in a relationship— so yes, we were just friends! Long before Cameron and I were a couple, we were just two yogis crossing paths here and there, living our own separate lives. Neither of us had ever imagined that we would be where we are together this day.
The Beginning.
Let’s fast forward— I got divorced and for the record, Cameron also became single. Now, this is something you may not know about Cameron, but he is also a fitness instructor at the gym! So, one day I joined his class, and I LOVED it! It was the most fun I had in a very long time. After class I had congratulated him on an amazing performance, and that’s when our friendship developed past our yoga class crossings. We agreed to become workout buddies and we instantly bonded over our love for health and wellness. After about a month or two of gym dates, I suggested we do something crazy together… acro yoga! Acro yoga is something I have always wanted to do, and I thought Cameron was the perfect candidate to be my partner ;).
Acro Yoga
At this point in our relationship we became quite close. We shared our first kiss while slow dancing in the gym parking lot after a typical workout date (haha!). As we started our adventure as a romantic couple together, we also began our acro yoga journey.
We began exploring acro yoga in the late summer of 2019, and our bond became a thousand times stronger. Through acro yoga we shared a new found passion and built trust in each other… fast! Acro yoga is special to us because we both need to be committed to the practice for it to work. I am forced to trust that he will catch me if I fall.
It came to no surprise that acro yoga contributed to our falling in love.
Trust the universe, and you will get to where you need to be.
Artistic Bonding
I’m excited to share that Cameron’s mother is also a fine artist! Therefore, he was no stranger to the world of fine art when I met him. He enjoyed the work I was doing in my studio during our free time and fell in love with watching me paint. It wasn’t long before he decided to join my business as my wood panel, canvas, and floater frame builder-man! This new creative partnership has elevated our intimate relationship to a whole new level that we both never thought we would be blessed to have.
The End
We hope in some way that our story made you smile and feel joy inside. We’re truly touched that you read our story.
On another note…
I love connecting with people and sharing life stories. If you would like to connect with me I would honestly love to hear from you. Feel free to contact me if your heart is telling you to!
Much Love,
Caitlyn Mary, xo